Since 1995, Castle Rock Services has been dedicated to supporting individuals with severe cognitive impairment, mental illnesses, and other debilitating medical conditions. We empower our clients to effectively manage their personal and healthcare needs while ensuring their safety and well-being. Our team of experienced Care Mangers and Registers Guardians brings extensive expertise in both legal and medical care models, ensuring comprehensive support tailored to each individual’s needs.
Certified Registered Guardians ~
Member of IGFA ~
Member of the NGA ~
Certified Registered Guardians ~ Member of IGFA ~ Member of the NGA ~
Roles and Responsibilities of a Professional Guardian
Arrange and provide supportive services to maintain a client’s functioning and sense of well being
The professional guardian is an advocate and acts on behalf of the person in their best interest
Determine appropriate housing or living environment
Consent and monitor medical treatment
Consent and release of confidential information
Maximize independence in the least restrictive manner
Assist in decision making based on the client’s values
Services are available 24/7 to address any medical needs and to ensure continuity of care